Introduction to a Five-Part Series on DPHCD

Five-Part Series on Del Puerto Health Care District (DPHCD) in the Patterson Irrigator
Join Timothy Benefield, Sr. DPHCD Board Member, Zone 3for a five-part series about the purpose, history, and future of the Del Puerto Health Care District (DPHCD). Here's a brief overview, and full articles can be selected in the column on the right:

- Part 1 – What is a Special District? According to the California Special Districts Association, “Special districts originated with the common purpose to provide a service that other government entities, such as cities and counties, are not providing.”
- Part 2 A Brief History of the DPHCD The Del Puerto Health Care District (originally called the Patterson Hospital District) was established in 1946 with the express purpose of assessing and meeting the specialized health needs of the Patterson community.
- Part 3 Your Involvement in the DPHCD Every Patterson resident is represented in the DPHCD by an elected or appointed board member, is contributing to the DPHCD through property taxes, and is able to influence healthcare decisions within the district. That influence may be applied by responding to occasional health-needs surveys sent out by the district, by engaging with the district through social media, by contacting your locally elected/appointed board member, by providing public comment in the monthly DPHCD board meetings, and by running for a position on the district board.
- Part 4 A History of Success for the DPHCD – For 78 years, the DPHCD has grown with the community by constantly assessing and adjusting to the changing healthcare landscape of the region. The current status of the district includes a hub of medical services at the Del Puerto Health Center on Keystone Pacific Parkway that is staffed by a dedicated team of professionals who are offering an ever-expanding array of services. The district is also served by Patterson District Ambulance which provides excellent 24-hour medical care for your emergency needs.
- Part 5 DPHCD Provides Bright Healthcare Future – The Del Puerto Health Care District is focusing on future healthcare improvements for the Patterson area, including a new ambulance center, expanded mental health services through telehealth, and extended clinic hours to better serve the community. The district is also planning an annual health event and a community health needs study in 2025 to gather input and address emerging healthcare needs. The leadership is committed to ensuring that the district continues to meet the evolving needs of its residents through these and other initiatives.
The original Patterson Irrigator articles can be reached through the link under each article title.