Our Pledge to the Community
We are Fully Operational. In the face of the COVID-19 emergency, Del Puerto Health Care DIstrict is fully operational providing healthcare and emergency medical services through Del Puerto Health Center and Patterson District Ambulance.
Health Care is Essential Service. The stay at home order goal is to provide social distancing and social isolation to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Our Community has basic needs that must be met during any crisis, including food, shelter, utilities, and health care. These are essential services and the District is committed to ensure essential medical services are provided.
You Can Help Mitigate Transmission. The District is working to make sure we have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) resources to keep our patients and employees safe, In addition to PPE, sanitary best practices (e.g. hand washing, surface decontamination) must be used without fail! Please follow the protocols that have been established and enhanced for your safety.
Contact Us. If you have a medical emergency and need an Ambulance - call 911! If you are sick and need to contact a health care provider please call our Health Center at (209) 892-9100.